Ganapriya Kheersagar

Hello ,

I'm Ganapriya

Data Engineer. My pipelines don't break❕❕

About Me

Backend Engineer with strong skills at setting, running, monitoring, and orchestrating data pipelines.

More on Data Engineering Experience


Html CSS SCSS JavaScript React jQuery Bootstrap MUI


Django Fastapi Node.js Express.js


MySQL PostgreSQL MongoDB

Programming Languages

C C++ Python Java JavaScript

Google Cloud

Cloud Run Cloud Build AppScript Composer VirtualMachines

Data Engineering

Airflow Perfect SQL Docker Streamlit

Data Engineering Experience

Airflow Perfect SQL Docker Streamlit GoogleCloud ( Cloud Run, Cloud Build, AppScript, Composer, VirtualMachines )

  • Worked as a Data Engineering Intern at Krayen, a Data Analytics Startup.
  • Created APIs using Fastapi and Fivetran to pull reference and transactional data from Shopify. The APIs were deployed on Cloud Run with the deployment handled by Cloud Build. Pipelines were built using Google Composer with the Shopify data being fed into ML Algorithms for further analysis.
  • Orchestrated data stack by setting up, running, scheduling and monitoring data pipelines using Airflow and Prefect.
  • Integrated Google Sheets with Google Analytics and Facebook to pull transactional data using Google AppScript and APIs. This data was further consumed by Data Analysts and Marketing Teams.

Other Significant Projects

Developed a web app for a Career Guidance Startup

  • User Registration, Guidance and Feedback
  • Dynamic Blog Integration using Medium API
  • Data Visualization using various filtering options
  • Admin page for user management and career guidance videos uploads
React Express.js ReactStrap MySQL

A college club website with a digital library and for members management

  • Preserving and adding new features to a college Y's Club website from the past year
  • Have member registration and login features with mail authorization.
  • Have dynamic digital library with search options
  • An open platform for users to upload their extracurricular works, such as articles, songs, and photography, for other users to view.
  • It has a variety of admin work-simplicity models for updating website content.
Django SQLite Ajax

Coding Club Website

A website to know more about a club, club activities and for registration form

  • Designed a home, team, contact, and activities webpages
  • Have an annual scheduling plan as well as a registration form for new members
React Material-UI React-router

A website to know more about a club, club activities and for registration form

  • Designed a home, team, contact, and activities webpages
  • Have an annual scheduling plan as well as a registration form for new members
React Material-UI

A website to track the progress of each task and to maintain tasks completion

  • Users can add new tasks at any time, delete completed tasks, and update and read tasks so they can be displayed on the website.
  • The progress of each task can be tracked through the website to know the current status
React SpringBoot RestAPI PostgreSQL(Heroku-Cloud)

Progress Tracker App

A website to track the progress of each task and to maintain tasks completion

  • Users can add new tasks at any time, delete completed tasks, and update and read tasks so they can be displayed on the website.
  • The progress of each task can be tracked through the website to know the current status
React SpringBoot RestAPI PostgreSQL(Heroku-Cloud)

A website similar to blogging or an online publishing platform like Medium

  • Firebase user authentication (Google/ Facebook authentication) used for user registration and login
  • Users can like or dislike the posts
  • Shows a count of likes and dislikes for a post, total views and users dynamically.
PHP MySQL jQuery-ajax Firebase
  • Users can add new tasks at any time along with priority, delete completed tasks, and update tasks if necessary
  • Task report and pending tasks will be displayed just by one command through terminal
Python Terminal
  • Billing software for retail shops allows them to maintain products available, employees, billing cart items, and customer shopping details.
  • An admin can add and maintain employees, as well as items in the store.
  • Employers can make changes to their profiles by logging onto their accounts.
  • To compute the total cost, billing items are added to the cart. An item in the cart can be changed or removed.
  • Customer information is retained, together with the biller's information, the payment method, and the items purchased for future use.
Java Swing JDBC MySQL

Notepad, a desktop application - basic text-editing program

    User can create new files, open and migrate existing files, edit files, style them as per requirements and save them exactly where user want them.

  • FILE (new, open, save, save as)
  • EDIT (cut, copy, paste, print, find and replace)
  • FORMAT (font, font-color)
  • VIEW (zoom in, zoom out)
Java Swing

Favourite Repositories

Programs to implement Data Structures and Algorithms

Computer Networks related programs and socket programming using Java

Website to learn basic web development fundamentals such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and XML with hands on live examples.

Programs related to System Programming and Operating System such as scheduling , page replacement algorithmns so on.

Get in Touch

Mail me if you have any questions or to connect with me. Feel free to contact me just say

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